Learn To Play The Electric Guitar: Basic 1 Course Watch Preview
The electric guitar is such a cool musical instrument to rock and roll. It is also versatile enough to play other genre including pop, country music, jazz and blues.
Anyone can learn to play the electric guitar, Come and join us in this basic electric guitar course. We will cover:
1) Introduction to the electric guitar and amplifier
2) Reading Chord chart
3) Basic chord shapes
4) Reading rhythm slashes
5) Different rhythm pattern strumming
6) Play to the song "Knocking on Heaven's door" by Bob Dylan
7) More chord shapes
8) Arpeggiating chords
9) Techniques - Bending and Vibrato
Subtitles are added to each video where applicable and music notation is also incorporated so that you can cross-reference practical to theory.
The contents of this beginner 1 course is covered over 12 lessons based on face to face coaching. Valued at US$500, this is now available at the special price of US$79
Once you have mastered the basics of this course, you can move on to our power-packed beginner 2 Electric Guitar course.
If you wish to enhance your electric guitar playing skills, contact Stradivari Strings to arrange live coaching (either face to face or online).
Call or whattsapp: +65 - 98137769
email: info@stradivaristrings.com
Note: the contents of this course are "All Rights Reserved" by Stradivari Strings.
32 Lessons
Module 1: Introduction to the Electric Guitar
1.1: Introduction to the Electric Guitar
Introduction to the Electric Guitarduction to the electric guitar
1.2: Parts of the Electric Guitar
Parts of the Electric Guitar
1.3: Sitting Position
Sitting Position
1.4: Plugging In
Plugging In
1.5: Tuning the Electic Guitar
Tuning the Electic Guitar
1.6: Close up - Tuning Your Guitar
Close up - Tuning Your Guitar
Module 2: Chords
2.1: Reading Chord Chart - G major chord
Reading Chord Chart - G major chord
2.2: D major chord
D major chord
2.3: E minor Chord
E minor Chord
2.4: C major Chord
C major Chord
Module 3: Counting and Strumming
3.1: How to count beats
How to count beats
3.2: Reading Rhythm Slashes
Reading Rhythm Slashes
3.3: Strumming Down on every beat
Strumming Down on every beat
3.4: Strumming Up on every beat
Strumming Up on every beat
3.5: Simple Strum Pattern
Simple Strum Pattern
3.6: Slightly More Complicated Strum Pattern
Slightly more complicated strumming pattern
3.7: Strum to Bob Dylan's "Knocking on Heaven's Door"
Strum to Bob Dylan's "Knocking on Heaven's Door"
Module 4: More Chords, Arpeggio Chords
4.1: Getting your Electric Guitar Set up properly
Getting your Electric Guitar Set up
4.2: More Chords - A major, A minor, F major
More Chords
4.3: Chords B minor and D minor
Chords B minor and D minor
4.4: Chords B major and E major
Chords B major and E major
4.5: Chord Exercise 1
Chord Exercise 1
4.6: Chord Exercise 2
Chord Exercise 2
4.7 Arpeggiating Chords
Arpeggiating Chords
4.8: Arpeggiating Chords Exercise
Arpeggiating Chords Exercise
Module 5: Scales and Melodies, techniques Bending and Vibrato
5.1: Reading Tablature
Reading Tablature
5.2: Playing a scale using tabs: G Major Scale
Playing a scale using tabs: G Major Scale
5.3: Pentatonic A Minor Scale
Pentatonic A Minor Scale
5.4: Bending Notes
Bending Notes
5.5: Vibrato
5.6: Simple Melody with Bends and Vibato - Eric Clapton's "Wonderful Tonight"
Simple Melody with Bends and Vibato - Eric Clapton's "Wonderful Tonight"