Learn To Play The Violin: Basic 1 Course Watch Preview

Designed for the absolute violin beginner, this step-by-step video tutorial covers the basic foundation in mastering the art of playing the violin.

Topics covered include:

1) Understanding the structure of the violin and violin bow.

2) Basic posture for the violinist

3) How to hold the violin bow

4) Exercises to strengthen your violin bow hold

5) Left-hand position for the violin

6) Exercises for left-hand dexterity

7) How to bow on open strings on the violin

8) Open strings bowing exercises

9) Learn 3 bowing techniques: Pizzicato, Arco and slur.

10) Lean 3 basic scales

11) Play a song - Twinkle Twinkle Little Stars

Subtitles are added to each video and where applicable, music notation and scores are incorporated so that you can cross-reference practical practice to theory.

This basic 1 violin course is usually covered in traditional face to face coaching over 12 lessons. Valued at USD$500, you can grab this at a special price of US$89

Once you have mastered the basics in this course, you can move on to our power-packed Basic 2 violin course.

Ready to start lessons but need a violin? Contact Stradivari Strings to arrange.

call or WhatsApp: +65-98137769

email: info@stradivaristrings.com

Note: The contents of this course is All Rights Reserved by Stradivari Strings.

25 Lessons

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Module 1: Introduction to the Violin & bow

1.1: Introduction To The Violin

Introduction to the violin

1.2: Introduction to the Violin Bow

Introduction to the violin bow

1.3: How to set up the shoulder rest on the violin

How to set up the shoulder rest

1.4: How to position the violin

How to position the violin

1.5: Standing position

Standing position

Module 2: Violin Bow Hold & Open Strings Bowing

2.1: Violin Bow Hold

Violin bow hold

2.2: Exercise To Strengthen the Right Hand for the Bow


2.3: Another exercise for your right hand

Another exercise

2.4: Introduction to the 4 strings on the violin and bow placement

The 4 strings on the violin

2.5: The importance of your right elbow height

The importance of your elbow

2.6: Open Strings Bowing

Open Strings bowing

Module 3: Fingerboard Position & Left Hand Exercises

3.1: Positions on the fingerboard. D major scale

Positions on the fingerboard

3.2: The number one rule of finger placement

Rule of finger placement

3.3: How to hold the violin

How to hold the violin

3.4: Finger Exercise 1

Finger exercise 1

3.5: Finger Exercise 2

Finger exercise 2

3.6: Finger Exercise 3

Finger exercise 3

Module 4: Pizzicato and Arco Techniques

4.1: Technique - Pizzicato

Pizzicato technique

4:2 Technique - Arco

Arco technique

Module 5: A Major & G Major Scale

5.1: A major scale

A major scale

5.2: G major scale

G major scale

Module 6: Slur Technique & Execution

6.1: Technique - Slur

Slur technique

6.2: D major scale, Slur

D major scale , Slur

Module 7: Play A Song - Twinkle Twinkle Little Stars

7.1: Learn to Play A Song

Learn to play a song

Final Words

Final Words: Violin Basic 1 Course

Final words