Master The Violin: Basic 2 Course
This beginner violin basic 2 course is suitable for students who have basic foundation for violin, or have completed the Violin basic 1 course.
Topics covered include:
1. Rhythm Training
2. Theory
3. Note Reading and Correlation to the violin
4. Learn 5 violin techniques: Staccato, Legato, Forte, Piano, Diminuendo, Crescendo
5. Learn to execute syncopation --- dotted note
6. Learn to play 5 songs on the violin:
- Twinkle Twinkle Little Stars
- Lightly Row
- Mary Had a Little Lamb
- London Bridge is falling down
Subtitles are added to each video and where applicable, music notation and scores are incorporated so that you can cross-reference practical practice to theory.
This basic 2 violin course is usually covered in traditional face to face coaching over 12 lessons. Valued at USD$650, grab yours at USD$149 now.
Ready to start lessons but need a violin? Contact Stradivari Strings to arrange:
call or Whatsapp +65-98137769
email: info@stradivaristrings.com
*** Note: The contents of this course is All Rights Reserved by Stradivari Strings
19 Lessons
Module 1: Theory and Rhythmic Training (Part 1)
1.1: Theory - Note Values
Note values
1.2: Rest Values
Rest values
1.3: Rhythm Training Using the Metronome
Rhythm training
1.4: Rhythm training (Part 2)
Rhythm training
1.5: Rhythm training with the violin (Part 1)
Rhythm training
1.6: Rhythm training with violin (part 2)
Rhythm training
Module 2: Introduction to hand position on the fingerboard
2.1: Introduction to how the open strings look like on the violin
Open strings
2.2: Playing a song: Twinkle Twinkle Little Stars
Twinkle Twinkle Little Stars
Module 3: Six Techniques
3.1: Techniques - Legato and Staccato
Legato and Staccato techniques
3.2: Practicing legato and staccato technique
3.3: Techniques forte and piano
Forte and Piano techniques
3.4: Diminuendo and Crescendo
Diminuendo and Crescendo techniques
Module 4: Learn to play 4 songs
4.1: Learn to Play "Lightly Row"
Learn to play "Lightly Row"
4.2: Learn to play "Long Long Ago"
Learn to play "Long Long Ago"
4.3: Learn to Play "Mary Had A Little Lamb"
Learn to play "Mary Had A Little Lamb"
4.4: Syncopation - Dotted note
Syncopation - Dotted note
4.5: Learn to play "London Bridge is Falling Down"
Learn to Play "London Bridge is Falling Down"
Module 5: Articulation
5.1: Articulation - ritardando, a tempo, dolce
Final Words
Final Words: Violin Basic 2 Course
Final Words